Name and address's of many companies that sell spy stuff.
Reprint of an article from 2600 Magazine on how to write your
own Keystroke recorder.
This file covers everything from Bombs, to Tones, to ID's, to
basic hacking. Stops briefly on alot of topics. Lots of good info.
Deffinatly a must download.
A pretty decent tutorial on how to crack. Covers several diffrent
protection schemes with sample programs to try to crack.
List of Frequencies most often used by listening devices.
Some type of Codes for different cable channels.
Strapped for cash? Need a project? Learn how to build your own
AppleTalk boxes for cheap money.
Explains how to clock chip your Quadra/Performa 630 series.
List of Frequencies for Cordless phones, Baby Monitors etc...
What those numbers really mean
How to turn off the 'Shift Key' trick that disables extensions
at startup.
A fake ID construction kit. Includes examples.
Looks legit. Supposedly gotten from a FOI (Freedom Of Information)
request. Describes when, why, and how a law enforcement officer
should sieze your computer equipment. This was written for the
Law Enforcement Profesional not the bustee. Think you might get
busted? Then deffinatly read this file.
A list of frequencies used by various federal agencies.
More Federal Frequencies
Very well done text file on how to bypass Fool Proof security.
If you need to get by Fool Proof you need to read this file.
I haven't read this yet.
Bust open the Renegade BBS software.
A pretty decent file. Similar to the Jargon file but from a different
perspective. Hey, Even the L0phT has an entry. The author of this
thing seems pretty dedicated to the task. Take the time to download
it and email the author any updates you think are appropriate.
If your just getting started then this is the file for you. Covers
all the basics from UNIX and VMS hacking, to phreaking and encryption.
A must for anyone just starting out who wants to know a little
bit about everything.
A pretty good beginners guide to hacking on a Macintosh
How to read everyones E_mail
This is for your pal and mine, Frank Price
Another must have for the beginner. A well written file with step
by step inscructions on how to Crack your favorite Mac programs.
Need to bypass On Guard? Then this file is for you.
IRC = the great waste. But if you must then hereÕs a way to hack
How to use Kinko's without paying. Pretty good file on how to
bypass "DeskTracy". The accounting software used at most Kinko's.
From Ole Buzzard.
(From the first paragraph...)This tutorial is for people who have
no idea how to crack programs and have no idea how to program
anything. It contains a description of the assembly language commands
usually used to crack, a description of the software tools used
to crack, and an illustration of the technique of cracking. The
illustrative technique gives an example of cracking a program
that displays an annoying "Register Me" message and requests a
registration code. However, the information given should be extensible
to any cracking situation. This tutorial should give a novice
enough information to crack a program of average difficulty.
A decent expose on L0phT Heavy Industries by Tweety Fish. (This
covers the old L0phT but not that much has changed other than
the location.)
Lisa Legacy.txt.bin
Why the Apple Lisa was way ahead of its time. Extremly interesting.
Describes how to get digitized Macintosh sounds into a modem,
so wou can play them over the phone line during a conversation.
An incomplete list of Macintosh FTP sites. This version is kinda
out of date by now.
This could be the start of something cool. A Macintosh hacking
FAQ. Details security weaknesses of various programs etc... Please
send mail to the author if you like this thing. I would like to
see it continue.
I am impressed. I never thought version 2.0 would ever see the
ligt of day. Lets support this project and get 3.0 out ASAP! Deffinatly
a must read!
If you build it the fish will come. I have finnally made one of
these. My two Red Playtes seem very happy in thier new home. (Actually
they both dies about a month later) Eventually I put a page up
about this project. When I do you can find it at http://camneerg.l0pht.com/. Andy Inhatko's file on how to build an Aqurium into an old compact
A list of code names used internally at Apple to describe various
machine before they where released.
A file by Ben Cranston desribing how to adapt the Macintosh Mini-Din-8
RS-422 serial port to various other port configurations. Excellent
file. It has been around for a few years but it still contains
valuable info and should be fairly adaptable to the newer Din-9
ports used on Most PowerMacs..
Another file by Ben Cranston describing how to write software
to control devices through the serial port. Another excellent
file with lots of good info.
Get that extra speed out of your Mac by Clock Chipping it! This
file tells you how!
All about those stripes on the back of Bank Cards.
Want to pick that padlock on your gym locker? Hers the Alogorithm
they use.
The title says it all.
How to find FTP passwords inside of NCSA Telnet
Another Ole Buzzard file. This one describes how to crack the
demo version of Net Phone
Looking to add some RAM or maybe install a modem into your PB
1XX? Need to know how to crack it open? Here ya go.
This is another project I have been thinking about building. Thankfully
someone wrote a file on it before I attempted it. Use a PC case
as an external SCSI drive enclosure. You should be able to cram
four or five drives in there.
Do you know what a red box is? This file will answer those and
other burning questions to sooth your soul.
Frequencies that Presidential security use.
(From the first paragraph...)This FAQ describes a technique for
changing Quadra 700 clock speed. This version includes cooling
fan installation, custom speed oscillators, thermal data, caveats
regarding socket pins, and performance data. At the time of posting,
the author has reports of 33 Q700's modified in this way.
An excellent file descibing the inner workings of the video in
Quadra systems.
(From the first parapraph...)Bienvenidos a la primera revista
electronica completamente escrita en el lenguaje de Cervantes
dedicada a la comunidad Cibernetica del mundo entero para dar
a conocer lo relacionado a las computadoras, redes, programacion,
modos de vida, y todo aquello que se relacione con las computadoras.
En esta edicion incluimos dos buenisimos articulos relacionados
con la tecnologia Internet que te haran entender a profundidad
como funcionan las redes y la forma en que se comunican entre
Hack the old Renegade BBS
How to get the secret stuff out of many different Mac ROMS.
A reprint of the Simplex lock article from 2600 magazine.
How to keep your SSN# secret.
NSA employee manual. (It looks legit, who knows.)
Excellent Text File on How to crack Mac software. This is the
original file. Rescued by Ole Buzzard.