contributed by Crystal
It started when Democratic candidate Maria Cantwell's campaign workers
linked to a picture of their opponent, Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash., in a
very humorous pose on their web site. The Cantwell camp evidently only
linked to the photo on the Gorton site. Workers for Sen. Gorton then
changed the picture to something more flattering. Now Gorton's campaign
is accusing Cantwell, a dot-com executive, of stealing intellectual
capital, high-tech hacking and hijacking his server. (Linking to a
picture is now considered stealing intellectual capital? Yeah, I want
this guy in office.)
contributed by Vapor
An entry in the June 7, 2000 FCC Enforcement Logs show that Kevin
Mitnick (N6NHG) & his legal counsel are in the process of renewing his
General Class Ham radio license. Kevin's attorney, R. Gregory Adlin,
argues that ham radio operation will not violate his parole conditions.
FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth
states that Mitnick's current license remains valid while he and his
lawyer gather documentation to prove that operating ham radios will not
violate his parole.
contributed by McIntyre
Not really sure what to make of this story or what is exactly going on
but it seems that someone is trying to buy the unshredded trash of the
Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) which is closely aligned
with Microsoft. In an unrelated incident Microsoft's Dupont offices
were broken into earlier this week but nothing was found missing.
Street Journal
contributed by Apocalyse Dow
Fang Yong embezzled about 1.66m yuan (about 200,000 US dollars) of
public money from the The Bank of Communications of China, by
counterfeiting bank paper, and transferring money from people's accounts
from May to August 1990. The 36-year old "hacker" was sentenced to death
here recently by the Ningbo Intermediate Court in East China's Zhejiang
Province. This is the most severe punishment that a Chinese judicial
organization has given to a "cyber criminal". (Hacker? Cyber
Criminal? Lets try Forger and Embezzler, those words are much more
descriptive. Oh, but they aren't as sensationalistic, sorry.)
- via Lexis-Nexis
contributed by White Vampire
OpenBSD 2.7 has been released. OpenBSD has gone three years without a
remote vulnerability in the default installation and two years without a
localhost vulnerability in the default installation. This is arguably
the most secure operating system available. And guess what? Its free.
Open BSD
contributed by Code Kid
The last day of RootFest, the largest security convention in the Midwest
ends today. Live Audio and Video is available.
St. Paul
Pioneer Press
contributed by Apocalyse Dow
The Software and Information Industry Association, a trade group
more than 1,000 high-tech companies have released a white paper that
details how consumers can prevent identity theft in cyber space. It is
hoped that informing the public will help prevent cyber fraud, misused
card numbers, and improve consumer confidence in shopping online.
Identity Theft: A Tragedy For Victims
contributed by syztrix and Cyber0ptix
We forgot to mention it earlier but b0g has released its fifth issue.
Also just released is issue 4 of 0blivion Mag.
